Week 2 - How Christ was baptised
From the Gospel of Mark (1, 9-11)
It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. On coming up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
How Christ was baptised (Mk. 1, 9-11; Mat. 3, 14-15)
Preparatory prayer. To ask God our Lord the grace that all my intentions, actions and spiritual activities may be purely directed towards the service and praise of his divine Majesty.
First introduction. History. Jesus is baptised by John in the Jordan River.
Second introduction. Seeing the place. A composition. Seeing with inner contemplation the place where Jesus was baptised.
Third introduction. Asking what I desire. Here that will be: inner knowledge of the Lord, who became man for me, to love and follow Him more closely.
First point. Seeing the persons. After Christ our Lord said goodbye to his blessed Mother, He came from Nazareth to the river Jordan, where St John the Baptist was. Then turning to myself to take some advantage of it.
Second point. Listening to what persons say, paying attention to it and considering it. St John baptised Christ our Lord. When he wanted to excuse himself, since he considered himself unworthy to baptise Him, Christ said to him, ‘Do this now, for it is necessary that we thus fulfil all righteousness.’ (Mat. 3, 14-15) And turning to myself to take some advantage of it.
Third point. Looking and considering what persons do. ‘The Holy Spirit came and the voice of the Father from heaven confirmed: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’ Then turning to myself for some spiritual benefit.
Conversation. At the end, you hold an inner conversation. Thinking about what you want to say to the three divine persons or to the incarnate eternal Word or to his Mother, our Lady. According to what you feel inside you ask what helps to follow our Lord more closely and to act according to his example. Then pray an Our Father.