Week 11 - The incarnation
God steps into our history of humanity
by becoming human himself:
He becomes one of us, one with us.
With all His heart and soul, He commits Himself
to all the countless people,
to whom, out of love, He gave life.
I can talk to Him person to person so as friends do.
What I might wish to ask for:
That I may be able to fathom out and understand
what God becoming human means for the world,
for the people I know and also for myself.
In order to receive God’s message for me, I place myself before Him and become aware of how He is looking at me with love.
Music: Soms breekt Iw licht Huub Oosterhuis
Soms breekt Uw licht
in mensen door
zoals een kind
geboren wordt.
Gedenk de mens
die wordt genoemd
uw kind uw koninkrijk
uw licht.
Geen duisternis heeft ooit
hem overmeesterd.
Gedenk ons
die als hij geboren zijn
eens en voorgoed
die uit zijn mond
uw Naam hebben gehoord,
die moeten leven
in de schaduw van de dood
hem achterna.
Sometimes Your Light Breaks
Sometimes Your Light breaks
through in people
so as a child
is born.
Remember the person
who is called
Your child, Your kingdom,
Your light.
No darkness ever
overpowered Him.
Remember us
who have been born just like Him
once and for all
who, from His mouth,
have heard Your Name,
who have to live
in the shadow of death
following Him.
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In the song we heard the words: “Remember us who have been born just like Him”.
I use my imagination to see how God sees us, all His people, on Earth.
Good and evil, war and peace, joy and sorrow, sickness and health. Life in the shadow of death.
And yet …. Sometimes Your light breaks through. Also for me?
Isaiah 43, 16-21
Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, ….
What would be for me a way, a path, through the turbulent waters of my life?
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
A new year. Maybe new possibilities, new chances. Do I also have a desire to see something new springing forth in my own life?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.
God sees a beautiful vision of life on Earth. Nature, animals, everything will declare God’s praise. Also the people will declare their praise for God.
Am I also able to do that? To be happy with my life as it is and express my thankfulness to God?
Music: Soms breekt Uw licht